Thursday, April 16, 2009

JOHNny stay home.. #3b & 4

Yeah I skipped 3b. But I realized 3b was gonna be a game recap & player profiles from both teams in the Hoop Summit. But really I don't care about them. Well I take that back I really like Avery Bradely & Abdul Gaddy both & can't wait to see how their talents translate to the collegiate level.

Here is the Game Recap. USA was by far the more talented team especially on the Guard side of the ball. On the Forward and Center side the USA was better but simply just lazy. Aside from Henson who is just physically so far behind its almost hard to blame him in this area. Same goes for Plumlee who goes hard but he is more of a 3 than a 4 so I can't fault him either. (plus i'm on his side since he is headed to Duke until he Greg Paulus' me.) But Renardo Sidney & DeMarcus Cousins were flat out lazy and I feel sorry for the Universities who have to experience one or two years of those guys. This is where the battle was lost.... down low. Milan Macvan the assiasian put in work, 23 pts & 14 rebs he will be in the NBA soon enough.

(screw Dwight. This is Pat's favorite player)

Also a movement is taking place, people are taking notice & getting excited. This is what the author of the FreeDarko Blog had to say about John Wall.

It is almost impossible to explain how awesome John Wall is.
He's like a more athletic, less selfish, Derrick Rose. Like LeBron if he hadn't
been made in space and was crossed with Chris Paul. Like that column someone
wrote during Wade's championship about how no one saw Jordan coming, either, and
the Messiah is supposed to be unexpected and organic. I have absolutely no idea
how someone can be both so freakishly dominant and yet so comfortable staying
within an offense. Did I mention he has at least five "extra gears," like a
series of increasingly explosive first steps that happen within mere feet of
each other? When asked about a fall he took that would've made Wade or Gerald
Wallace proud, insisted it had to be that way because "you never know which game
might be your last." He also has the uncanny ability to cock his entire body in
mid-air for a block, only to abruptly staunch all his momentum and float back
down to earth if the angle's not there. I have never been more impressed by a
high school player. I very nearly blurted out "just stop fucking around and go
to UNC" while he was taking questions about his ongoing college search.

(J-Dub-U getting busy)

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