Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Revised 'Expectations' (per request)

Hey guys, Trevor here, better know as Parker, and also known as TDeezle. As Mr. Carmichael just did, I would now like to burst my own blogging bubble. First and formost I would like to declare myself a "diamond in the rough" as they say. Most people, especially babes, would likely describe me as more of a lump of coal than diamond at this point, but we all know what diamonds are made of. Thats where F2L comes in.

F2L will be a new chapter in a somewhat meaningless and unproductive life i have led for the last 21 years. It will bring a new set of challenges and goals, the most important of which will be to entertain all 7 people that will read it. I plan on meeting this goal whole-heartedly and with a gusto not witnessed Billy Mays introduced Oxy-Clean for the first time. I see this blog as an opportunity to get out my opinions and thoughts, which up to this point have been less cared about than who wins the WNBA title. I will tackle the tough issues that America really wants to hear about- why do I hate nearly everyone? how do I really feel about Cleveland? what goes on in the day to day life of yours truly? You can expect to read about all these things in much much more.

What do I expect to get out of this venture, you ask? I expect to feel the self-accomplishment of knowing all the thoughts I hold in every day, or at most just talk to Patrick J about, will be released into the public like a flock of really ugly birds. I expect to gain a faithful following of like-minded readers who hang on the edge of their collective seats to hear what I'm going to talk/bitch about next. I plan on impressing a small and very likely below average looking group of babes that will want to S my D on a daily basis. I will most likey have to settle for one of these babes b/c thats the way things are looking right now. But maybe, juuust maybe I will break through the mold.

I, along with Patrick J and A-Webb, will get exposed to an ever-growing audience of youth that will demand more and more of what I have to give. Perhaps this blog, even in its infancy, is my future. Maybe it is the missing piece of the jumbled up, shitty puzzle my life could be described as. Maybe all my wildest dreams will come to fruition through the possible success this blog will create. This is all mere speculation at the moment, of course. Only time will tell what F2L, along with Patrick, Alex, and myself will become. It could become the most precious, fulfilling accomplishment of my life, or a failure of epic propotions that will bring even more disgust and ridicule into a life already full of both. But I'll tell you what, America, I plan on finding out. Join me- if you can handle it.

Until next time, this is TDeezle saying--fuck women's sports and jean shorts.

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