Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Top 10 South Park Episodes #10

"Suck my balls, Kyle" has shockingly become a statement that is now part of the american culture. When Matt and Trey first made these lovable characters (the most bobo way ever I must say) not even they could have invisioned how big of an affect it would have on the American society as we know it.

Catchy lines such as "Oh my God, they killed Kenny! You bastards!", "They took our job!", "Respect my authoritaaaay", "Red rocket! Red rocket!", "Mmmmkaaaay", and "Shaaaaron.. sha, sha, sharon." have become as familar to us as the Dallas Cowboys collapsing in December :(

The show that gave us a little boy with a drawn on Jennifer Lopez on his hand giving Ben Affleck a BJ, Mickey Mouse growing a hundred feet tall and blowing fire out of his mouth, to the very near end of the world.... of Warcraft. South Park seems to do it all and it always seems to rattle the cage.

Over the next 2 weeks I will share with you my top 10 SP episodes. I will also review every new episode that hits Comedy Central. Nothing like some Patrick J. reviewing! so now here are my top 10 episodes... and when I say my... I mean everyones.

#10: The Simpsons Already Did It

Who doesn't love an episode with Butters and his alter ego/villian "Professor Chaos", and the boys finding out the difference between "semen" and "sea men."

Butters finds it impossible to despies an evil plan when all his ideas have already been done on The Simpsons before. After the boys feel ripped off about buying the amazing sea men, they decide to feed them to Ms.Choaksondic and think they have accidently killed her. Fromm there everyone gets confused on what "sea men" the boys used. At the end, Cartman uses "man juice" to help grow a Greek like empire on sea creature (also stealing from The Simpsons Tree House of Horrors").

The reason why this show makes the top 10 though is more than just having two of my favorite parts of the franchise, it has my other favorite franchise in it, The Simpsons. Oh and you def. get to hear an "Oh, Hambergers!" here and there.

This one is full of laughs and Cartman not truely understanding how wierd his special grower is makes for some awkward moments.

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