Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Top 10 South Park Episodes

#7: Timmy 2000

Having a friend named Timmy makes this episode hit a nice little place in my heart. Who couldn't love a band that rocks out hardcore and has a handicap kidyelling his name? Phil Collins.

In this episode, a local band in the South Park area named Lord of the Underworld is having trouble getting any gigs... that's until Timmy comes into their lives.

Behind Timmy, the band becomes a huge success. That is until douchebag Phil Collins realizes he is being over looked and decides to make it looks likethe band is taking advantage of Timmy. In the end the town realizes that Timmy is having the time of his life and they cheer for him like they had done before.

Oh and all the kids in school get put on Ritalin... leading to a very boring 4th grade.

I think through all of this we learned that even though our friends named Timmy maybe special... they are also people and we should appreciate them.

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