Thursday, April 23, 2009

the NBA should care.

Well it looks like we are headed for a turning point. The NBA should be careful, I know everyone who plays basketball wants to be here right now. But the tides could soon be changing especially if the American Economy keeps on its spiral downward.

Two summers ago Josh Childress a 6th man, not even a starter decided to go overseas for $60 million instead of settling in the USA for $20 million.

Last summer High School recruit, Brandon Jennings decided to de-commit from Arizona and went overseas(Europe) to collect $3.5 million dollars and return this year for the upcoming NBA draft.
Now Jeremy Tyler, a Junior in high school has decided to drop out of school and go overseas to play for one year and make it back in time for the 2010 NBA draft.

If this kid is able to acquire a lucrative contract and shows signs of improvement since leaving high school upon return we definately could see a change in the high school/college/professional basketball landscape. Which ultimately would suck for the College Basketball as a whole.

You may say no, but think about this. When the next NBA collective bargaining seminar between the Players and NBA comes up, it was rumored that they were going to raise the age limit to 20 years. This would force players to play atleast 2 years in college. For the under priveliged kids that need the money, we could possibly see the top players going overseas and collecting a check instead of staying here.

Things may not end up this way. But you should be nervous.

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