Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Baseball... really?

So I'm sitting here waiting for the Magic/Celtics game 2 to start and I find myself on ESPN watching fricking baseball. While watching this boring thing known as a sport I decided I should probably list what baseball is really good for in a human beings life... So enjoy.

1. If you feel like taking a nap... it is the best thing to put on the T.V.
2. Wonder what it is truely like to be cursed--see the Chicago Cubs
3. For that 6 week period in late June through July where no other sports are on... baseball pushes you to be active.
4. Another chance to call Alex Webber a fag when you catch him watching it.
5. To see some of the wierder things to happen in sports take place. (see this)
6. Make us realize maybe soccer isn't so bad...
7. Show our youth how great you can be when you cheat.
8. Brought us movies like "Rookie of the Year" and "The Sandlot".
10. So when September comes we love football more than anything else.

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