Saturday, May 2, 2009

Game 7.

Tonight is Game 7 of the riveting Boston versus Chicago series. Good thing about this series is regardless if you like basketball or not you can appreciate this series. Has everything a sports fan loves intensity, drama, every possession seems critical and you can tell that Boston's players hates Chicago's and vice versa. But you should tune into tonight's game because this is probably more exciting than anything you are doing in your life. Unless of course your getting laid by a babe for 3 hours straight.

Couple things we've learned this series:
  1. KG still annoys the F*** out of viewers despite sitting on the bench the whole game.
  2. Rondo WILL do anything to win.
  3. Noah has not changed. At first I thought he celebrated to be an ass. But I think he just has that much passion for the game. Read THIS
  4. Big Baby can actually play. Which basically means someone will overpay him when he becomes a Free Agent.
  5. Tony Allen is awful like really really bad.
  6. Ray Allen is a cyborg & should have passed Reggie Miller as the most clutch shooter in NBA history.
  7. Rose Vs. Rondo should be named [Paul Vs. Williams East].
  8. Vinny Del Negro could have already won this series if he wasn't an idiot.
  9. Doc Rivers trust Rondo more in the clutch than Ray Allen. WHy? I don't know.
  10. Ben Gordon scores and thats it. But it's ok cause he scores alot in bunches.
  11. I wish the heat had Kendrick Perkins.

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