Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Girls are a funny thing

They always say we are so confusing and miss leading but the truth is we are only those things because they make us that way. With women in your life nothing ever seems to be simple. everyting has to be a grand plan and it drives me nuts sometimes.

The truth is though, we as men can't survive without them. Well, unless your a fag... But they have some of the biggest neccessities to a man's life wrapped up in them. We want some boobage. Them. We want to cuddle. Them. We want to watch a chick flick and not be made fun of by our friends. Them.

It is a very vicious ccle that has been around since the cavemen. So I have recently decided to grin and bare it. Big step in a young Patrick J.'s life but I have officially done it.

So ladies bring on all your wierd challenges because I am ready!!!

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