Friday, May 22, 2009

Que the End Credits.

The end has come and I just need to vent. I've been broken up with twice in the last 6 days and even though one hurts way more than the other, i feel equally bad about both. Nothing last forever but at the beginning of both relationships I thought they would. I'd spend hours thinking about the memories we would have and then later in life getting to relive those memories with my childern. One thing you have to learn about life is, everything does not work as planned. With that said it is time for me to let go. Bye Greg Paulus & thank you for being the number one rated PG but not living up to it. You did however shoot lights out in that UNC game & shot a blistering 42% from 3. Good luck at Syracuse bud, even though you underperformed in the blue& white I will always respect you man. And lastly Bye to John Wall, I thought I didn't care about you spurning Duke for UK but then it hit me last night. I usually run down my teams in my head in the offseasons and to get myself excited about there return. I began with my Dolphins, had a nice draft and it'll be fun to see how Parcells & Sporano handle the team [happy]. Heat, Wade is back, got two nice young guys & I wanna see BEASTly at the 3 [happy]. Duke, we had PG trouble last yr, draft class includes two forwards, and no forward progress [not happy]. I know we never had a relationship but I could envision you in the blue white easily. Thanks for breaking my heart way more than Shaun Livingston did after he spurned Duke for the NBA. Guess being close to your dying mom doesn't matter. yea.. had to go there and should wrap up the JOHNny Stay Home & Liar series. Roll the End Credits.


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