Friday, June 12, 2009

Back from the Dead.

dear D Fish,
i thought C Lee killed you in Game 3 when he posterized you but similar to Lazarus you came back to revive the Lakers. Kobe owes you a rolex, new car, his life or anything of your choosing for getting him his 4th. Magic had this game locked up for sure until you decided to do kill them not once but twice in one night (to tie the game & in OT basically clinching the series). Just like in '04 when you hit the game winning shot on the spurs with 0.04 seconds left. It is funny though as you jogged up the court for that last shot I was laughing and making fun of you because your washed up and was trusted to take the final shot to tie it all up. And just like that you made me look like a fool and nailed it. Previously 0 for FREAKING 5 from the 3. You stepped up like a Vet is supposed to. I can't be mad at you really. Jameer should've played the 3 point line instead of giving you the space and Dwight should've made his Free Throws. But congrats man and here is post 108 to commemorate your heroics last night.
Yours truly,
Ps - tell Gasol I LOVED that emotion after the hard foul. Epic. Tell him I have gained a ton of respect for him. Truthfully I was suprised he didn't back down or flop to the ground or pull some gay boy stunt. Really impressed me. Pietrus would've murdered him

I thought you were dead man honestly.
you can't guard anyone but then you
came back with 6.5 seconds left in Game 4

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha, web, the Pietrus quip was rediculous.
