Thursday, April 9, 2009


I recently saw the film "I Love You Man" and it really got me to thinking about me and my closest buddies and how we formed our bonds.

Have I ever been nervous to call another dood? I don't think so, but maybe I have been.
Have I ever called another dood a wierd nickname (Joben) because he had given me one that was so cool I feel kinda dumb for never thinking of it myself? I think thats a big no, because I came up with Timnovkov and Parker... yes that was a joke.

Do I ever have homo band time with any of my friends? Well that one is easy, me and Deezle do homo band time atleast 2 times a week... but what can I say, makes the babes go wild, aka: no babes at all.

So the point of this post is that in the end our friendships with our dood friends start about the same way our relationships with our girlfriends do, just our doodships are waaaaaay more enjoyable with less crying... notice I didn't say no crying.

So basically, I will admit it, I have multiple bromances and i am not shy to say it... Much love to Parker, Webb and Timmy.