Thursday, April 9, 2009

JOHNny stay home..

If you have no interest in College Basketball the name John Wall most likely has no effect on you. But to devoted Kentucky, Duke & the other 4 schools in the mix for this kids talent it means everything. This simple 8 letter name is so generic yet it holds so much power. I am not sure who the other schools are but this kid literally has the ability to resurrect both UK and Duke both from these dry spells they have fallen upon. Fans everywhere are literally holding there breath till April 18th when he decides what school to attend. Many say on the 18th Wall will put on the Wildcat hat but until then we can all make our assumptions and speculat on where he will end up going....

Why he attends UK:
  • Cal's his buddy
  • Immediate Playing Time
  • NO back ups plays prob 35-38 mins a game
  • Looks like a Star if Kentucky makes Tourney & wins a few games
  • Wouldn't have to do much if POY candidate Meeks comes back
  • Cal's Offense is geared for his style, Dribble-Drive

Why he attends Duke

  • Close to home (according to mapquest 33 min drive)
  • His AAU mate Ryan Kelly
  • Coach K has the wide open style that Suns used in PHX so he would have the floor to himself
  • Get to play UNC twice a year. Biggest Rivalry in College Basketball & most televised
  • Duke & Arizona both called Point Guard U.

Why he doesnt attend UK

  • Just doenst like Lexington.
  • Too far from his Mom who is ill
  • Meeks stays in draft

Why he doesnt attend Duke

  • Alot of returning players who are established so he would probably get 20 - 25 mins a game
  • Ryan Kelly has bad breath.
  • Doesnt like playing with a bunch of white kids who can shoot.
  • Really doesn't like his mom.

(Lets go J DUB U!!!)

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