Sunday, April 12, 2009

F*ck my friends.

Today while hanging out with my friends I really realized i hate each of my friends F' em.
Here is the breakdown....

F' Tim- simply because he is ignoring the fact that D. WADE3 is the real MVP of the 08-09 NBA season
F' Pat - if John Wall goes to UK i'm gonna have to become a UK fan and agree with him on every UK decision.
F' Parker - Well just cause he is Parker. & he shows up late. & cause he used the family excuse.
F' Ian - Cause he doesn't hangout anymore
F' Amy - she is moving to tampa.
F' Alisha - she lives in New York
F' marilyn - she hates my friend parker..... but who doesn't (PJ)
F' arama - she isn't funny
F' LA-REN - her name is too weird.
F' marty & steve - for giving me a place to drink every friday/saturday/sunday & getting fat....occasionally thursdays
F' dan & lori - cause you are so freaking cute together. ;) (PJ)
F' Phil - he works all weekends

*(PJ) - assisted by Patrick J
& pictures later.

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