Sunday, April 12, 2009

JOHNny stay home.. #3a.

I wanted to post following the Nike Hoop Summit game but it was like 12 or 1 am when i finally got home. Intially I planned on just doing one big John Wall story that would touch on alot of different things. But in an effort to not bore our readers I later decided to split it up into two seperate post because I could honestly post 10 straight days about mister Wall no problem. So part a is given to you tonight & I will post part b later on in the week. But today I specifically wanted to give a player profile on Wall from what I saw in the Hoop summit. Coupled with some thoughts on a few players who particapated in the Derby Classic.

First the Derby Classic, if your like me today (or Saturday) is probably the first time you have heard of this nationally renowned all star showcase. It was alot more entertaining than the McD's AA Game. Only got to see the first half. But had two things to say:
  1. Michael Snear without a doubt was the most impressive player there. True gamer when he came off the bench was immediately in the flow of the game. Was able to help the team out in ever facet of the game from taking care of the ball to playing good on-ball defense this kid was doing everything. He is a 2 guard and he showed he could make an impact without having to touch the ball. Exhibited a great motor, Leonard Hamilton will be pleased with this guy. FSU will be back in the Tourney next year for sure.
  2. Saw very little of Daniel Orton cause the Gold coach seemed to be rotating bigs early and often. Definately saw a very good rebounder and post player who knew how to use his body well. Wanted to see me post moves but it is an all star game so I will just have to wiat till the season begins. He didn't reall shine but I put him up here cause I saw Cousins (his analysis will be in part b) play too and I just want to say it now. Kentucky fans should want this guy instead of Cousins. He just seems like he would be a better ball player than him now and in the future.
I need to learn to get my point across with less

Now to the most intruiging/exciting player in this years recruiting class. How Espn does not have him number one baffles me. No way is Xavier Henry is better than John Wall. Regardless of where this kid chooses to go to school I will be a fan of him. That means more "JOHNny Stay Home.." post (sorry). The Hoop Summit is not an all star game but sort of a showcase mixed with a try out, eh it is hard to explain. But what is not hard to explain is how the USA was struggling without Wall in the game. Gaddy is the second rated point guard in the 09 recruiting class and it is easy to say Wall is fifty times better than Gaddy. This is my first profiling I am doing on the site and it probably will not be the last. Luckily college basketball is over so you will not see much more of these until it returns.

Thoughts on John Wall:

+The most dominant player on the court & knew it played with confidence.
+Along with beign the point guard he was the most athletic guy on the court.
+Going Left or Right was no problem for Wall
+Brings Defensive Intensity every single play.
+His top gear is incredible, the kid is a gazelle.
+Can finish at the basket.
+Could be a TOP NOTCH defender, he is already hell on defense.
+His wing span allowed him to play passing lanes just a ballhawk.
+Alwasy was creating for teammates.
+Blended it well with the scoring and passing never looked like a ball hog.
+Was able to finish through contact had great body control in the air
+Seems mentally tough
+Best open court player, either blowing by you or making a craft move.
+Aggresiveness, didnt shy away wanted the ball in his hands.
+Did not have very many mistakes.

-Could see problems with him running half court sets.
-Had one gear..VERY FAST. didnt seem to have a medium one.
-Looks like he can get out of control at times.
-Had lapses in defense often caught leaking out.
-Can get burned cause he plays for the steal every time.
-People talked about his jumper being very reliable did not see it.
-Shot one 3 and for such a great leaper he barely jumped on the attempt.
-Strength does not matter in college but for NBA too weak.

Wihtout a doubt though John will be a beast in college basketball next year.

Case you missed it here are part 1 & 2 of the "JOHNny Stay Home.." series.

& check pat's "JOHNny be good" series out too here & here

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