Wednesday, April 22, 2009

T-minus 9 hours.

Tonight some friends and I are headed to Gainesville to see up and coming rapper Drake perform. It should be interesting. It's being held at the O'Connell Dome which I've been to before
for concerts and each time the sound system was fucked up or just flat out sucks. Like usual though we should see some of the UF athletes and some crazy college things. The last concert I went to there was Lil wayne's and I saw Chandler Parson WIGGAing out hard. So here is what I expect to happen tonight:

  • Timmy to get scared at one point since it will mostly be black people.

  • Us to be drunk as f*ck before we get there.

  • Someone to get lost. Most likely cause she is a midget.

  • Timmy say "Dude that black girl is so f*cking sexy"

  • Us possibly to miss Drake the main reason we are going even though he is not the mian event.

  • See some UF athletes. If I had to guess i'd say it would be a group of basketball players.

  • Me to meet a girl love her for a second then realize "I am not cool enough"

  • Come back home to a Heat win by 20 and Wade have a stat line like this: 45 points, 19-25 FG, 12 Rebs, 10 Assists, 4 Steals, 2 Blocks, 2 TO

  • A magic lose :)

  • Pre game at this girl's apartment and me hate everyone.

But yeah shit should be tight. And this is Drake in case you cared.

Update: As soon as I figure it out. I'll post the song.

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