Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where in the World is Timmy: Week 2

Timmy has hit the big screen... showing up in some of our favorite movies. First off he hit the dumb scene, showing up in Dumb and Dumber. While not quite as good as Jim Carey as Tim put on a masterful piece as a dumb person.

Next, he went Jurrasic. Tim has always told me he had a dream of being chased by a T-rex... well he got that opportunity. Needless to say, tim smiled at the T-rex and the dinosaur couldn't help but fall in love with Timmy and become the new and improved Buddy (Tim's awesome dog.)
what more could you ask for... a big ship sinking, and a Novkov falling in love. That's what hit the big screen next. Tim took over for the dream boat "Leo" and showed that Novkovs can be successful in all types of movies. One thing for note, his drawing of her nake came out like a kindergartner's finger painting.

Lastly, Tim wanted to be in an upcoming blockbuster. After thinking for a while he decided since he has claws that come out of his hangs.. he might as well play Wolverine. Now, I have been scratched by Tim's claws and let me tell you... they hurt. I thought I had a layup at the local YMCA, I was wrong.

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