Saturday, April 25, 2009

This Can't Be Life.

Before the playoffs started and the possible 3rd seed vs. 5th seed matchup was Orlando vs. Chicago I told fellow F2L member Parker that the magic were f'd and going to lose. Little did I know that who ever the Magic played in the first round, not named the Cleveland Cavaliers, they would get waxed. It is only the 2-1 Sixers so the Magic still have a chance to right the ship. Trust me I don't hate the Magic, but it is nice to see them lose. haha.

^You should tune into Game 4 to watch Hedo do his annual Playoff time disappearing act. It's his best MAGIC trick. ;)

(EDIT) By Patrick J.: I guess Hedo didn't pull Webb's disappearing act in game 4... because he kind of hit the game winner!

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