Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Damage Control.

For any of our friends that follow our blog or any loser who found us on accident just thought I would let you know that we aren't dead. Between trying to turn my facebook wall into a babe zone like Pat's and watching the Magic, Heat, Blazers and Hornets playing shitty basketball I just am at a lose of time. I can't speak for Pat and Parker but thats what I have been up to. So after my 3 day hiatus from F2L I thought I would do some damage control and defend my pick of the Hornets to the NBA championship game.

I thought Chris Paul could do it all by himself but I forgot he is only 5'11 and wasn't born in a test tube like other superstars (wade, DH12 & LBJ). I completely forgot Tyson Chandler and Peja Stojkohldhdfhajlkhdflic were hurt all season. Also some how I got convinced into thinking that David West was a great sidekick to Chris Paul. All these combined and the fact New Orleans has no bench and you can start to understand why the Hornets had no chance. So I figured I would edit my picks and give them to you again.

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