Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Units of Measurement.

After reading P-fizzle's review of the UNC v. MSU. I realized that would be one of the last times we would witness one of Tyler Hansbrough's priceless faces on the college circuit. We all know in the NBA he is destined more for a career similar to Christian Laettner's. So in an attempt to keep tyler in my life for ever I have installed a rating system that centers around Sir Tyler himself (lebron & eli too)

One Suprised Lebron = Highest Honor. Greatest shit ever invented.

One Drunk Eli = Very Good, Awesome

2 Blank Faced Hansbrough = Good

One & a Half Blank Faced Hansbroughs' = Not relevant good nor bad

One Stunned Hansbrough = Shit. Not worthy your time.

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