Wednesday, April 8, 2009

what happened if.....

...Florida never existed & California wasn't such a wasteland.

The America just might very well be a safer and less confused country. For one we probably would have never gone through 8 years of Bush, most likely just 4. (no political shots)Along with that there is believed to be 50,000 childern living in shelter homes all across the state, highest in the country. In the Forbes article "Where the recession will hit the hardest" three Florida cities (miami, tampa & cape coral) were in the top ten. Second only to California( fuck this state too) with four in the top ten.

But really I have lived in Florida for about eighteen years and none of the fore mentioned stuff is the reason for me wishing Florida never existed its.....

...It is that damn University of Florida football program. If your not from Florida you may not truly understand or grasp the need for this post. And being from Ocala which is about 30 miles away we are littered with these bullshit "fans". The best part is these fans have no ties to the program or have ever attended the school but feel the need to talk shit at every oppurtunity presented. They kind of remind me of Stan from the Eminem song.

(fuck the gators & jorts suck.)

You could almost say the song is about florida fans with a twist. Verses 1 & 2 is Florida fans in 02 & 03. Clearly upset that there beloved program is in a downward spiral. Then came verse 3, the 04 season when they were 7-4 and every fan wanted to duct tape their wife and drive em off a bridge. And right as i am signing the chorus to this sad but awesome song hoping for the regular verse 4 where Em's writes back and its too late cause Stan's dead. I realize this is the fucked up verision which some asshole from california remix'd.

With that said we just might as well say it, every one from California sucks. Really they struck out three times they killed Biggie, they make actors governrs and they are close to mexico.

Worse then those three offenses. UCLA felt it had to beat USC in the last game of the 05-06 season to make shit weird and make way for the Gators to play and become the 2006 National College Football Champions. Then only four months later as if UCLA were Shel Silverstein's giving tree, they felt it was necessary to aloow UF to steam roll the shit out of them in the basketball title game. & Now no end is in site. F^ck you California.


  1. Cool man. I immortalize you and ur story and this is how you repay me... I noticed that you failed to mention the fact that you are a FSU "fan" and therefore biased/bitter on this subject since they haven't won a championship since the '90s, and ur a Duke bball fan and the same applies there. Now I know there are alot of fans out there that talk too much shit and make the real Gator fans look bad, but you cant lump us all together like that... that being said, if your requirement for hating fans remains to be the simple fact that their team wins, get ready to hate all Magic fans pretty soon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. your just mad that i exposed Florida fans
    for always loving to wear a great pair of jorts.
