Monday, May 11, 2009

Disclaimer 3itch!

So the father of the kid who got pushed in the whole excitement of Big Baby's Celebration wants an apology for his son. This guy has to be joking. The push was not intentional the only reason Big Baby got that close to the kid was because the Referee was in the way. And right on cue....

It has EH quality.

Update: Pat's "webb and his hate" post is so inaccurate it is not even funny. Someone at a party brought up "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" the converstation starter said they hated it and it sucked balls. I said I liked it. But I added a disclaimer, I qucikly said to myself "no one likes the movies I watch though" maybe not loud enough to hear (I often do this though when I have something to say but don't really want anyone to hear it). I have no explanation for why I liked the movie though. I do now however (it is about to get homo so stop here) that I prefer movies with character growth over movies with actors who just act one way a whole movie.(action & comedy).

& the TMNVKV part is bullshit. the reason for the post was because sometimes in a young mans life he wants to chill with a young female at his house while his parents are at work. But instead of the plan working out like he & her had planned something crazy has to pop up. This was not the first time that something he had planned with a young lady had fallen through. So upon hearing the plan would not work he was rather upset. And that was how Part two of F*ck my friends was

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