Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rashard Lewis...#104

And Post number 104 goes to Rashard Lewis. If not for 'Shard (as Pat & Trev-trev call him) Game 2 could have been catastrophic. But he kept draining shots and keeping it close. I know its been two days since his awesome and I wanted to praise him earlier but I forgot. So here it is better later than never.

After scoring 34 points while shooting 12 for 21 and going 6 for 12 from downtown with 11 rebounds and 7 assists post number 104 is dedicated to you Rashard Lewis aka the 118 millon dollar man despite losing.

^Yeah i don't know about the picture I just wanted 'Shard without those two other fags.

& sorry for this, all love now shard.

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