Monday, April 13, 2009


Considering that I am not to into cars I found it very interesting that I had a one year subscription to Motor Trend in my name. Nonetheless its always nice to add new magazines to your "stuff I only read when I shit" collection. So as I sat there dropping a deuce I flipped through the newest issue only to find this beauty sitting on the page. More than likely I will never ever get to drive the 2009 Lamborghini Murcielago. But I think every one can appreciate this car. It simply is amazing. 631 HP & a V12 engine what that means or why someone needs this for i dont know. But anyone who has one must BANK. This Lambo runs you about $400,00. Insanity. But definately worth every penny... lol.

this car gets the rating of.... One DRUNK ELI.

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