Monday, April 13, 2009

Where in the World is Timmy: Week 1

Our friend Tim Novkov is a tough guy to keep up with. We sometimes have no idea what he is doing but thankfully he sometimes gets caught in the act. So here is what Timmy was doing this week:
Last time we saw him he was looking for a ride to Cleveland, OH. Well luckily, some semi driver gave tim his wish.

Timmy was at the Celtics/Cavs game on Sunday... here he is caught trying to give LeBron a kiss disguised as Paul Pierce. Needless to say, Bron Bron's mom wasn't happy about what was unfolding.

Today, Timmy was spotted helping out some unfortunate people in Nigeria. Timmy is one with the African's because he is a baller. His balling skills def. showed here when he helped teach some young Nigerian boys how to play. He also became the agent of one of the boys, above, is Timmy taking a pic with the mother of the boy, as you can tell... he was excited for the contract agreement!

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